February 1, 2011

Craft Frenzy

So I have been on this craft spree for a while now. If I see something I like in the store, my mindset is "I bet I can make it for cheaper..." A couple months ago, I found a quilt at Urban Outfitters for $100 and thought it would be a breeze to make...With the amount of time it took me to quilt it, I should have just bought the one at the store.


Urban Outfitters

They do look alike in color, mine is just a dark phone picture...

However, I have recently become a little obsessed with lace and ruffly things. I found this nifty little blog of all sorts of cool craft ideas with things you can use throughout your home. In the next few days, I think I'll be attempting to give some of my wardrobe a makeover. If you are snowed in this winter or need something to do, give this website a little visit. Warning, it's addictive...

1 comment:

Abby said...

Lets craft together! That is quite the ambitious project...haha I want to see it in person!