February 18, 2011

IHop needs a better bathroom contractor...

My blog posts don't seem to be very popular lately, so I thought I would try entertaining you all with an embarrassing little story...

Saturday night, I went to watch Jon's band play in Provo. Afterwards, we decided to grab something to eat at IHop. First of all, this was a bad decision for me already as I lived an hour away and it was already midnight. So here I am in Provo, sitting at a diner with 9 boys waiting for our food. I get up to go to the restroom and proceed to walk into the stalls.

Right as I'm about to sit down and do my business, Colin walks in with his charming British accent and says "Umm, Jenica you're in the mens room..."


"Well, I wouldn't be in here if I were lying."

So I zip back up and run out as quickly as possible to find the other 8 guys standing by the door, camera ready to catch me in action. In my defense, the urinals were built behind the stalls, and the mens room sign was fallen sideways...Also lack of sleep. Whatever, it was late.

1 comment:

Abby said...

poor poor Jenica!!! If only you would've hit me up that night!!!! Then i could've gotten a pic of you too! haha