May 2, 2011


I don't know how many of you watch Project Runway, but I am an absolute fan. This weekend, the host of the show flew from (no joke) the Royal Wedding straight to good ol' Salt Lake. And what a better way to welcome him than the traditional Utah weather forecast. I woke up bright and early Saturday morning with the sun shining, the birds chirping, and pleasantly blue skies. By the time I arrived at gateway to meet Jocelyn, we were standing in the middle of a December snowstorm. Luckily for Tim, upon his arrival the sun shined again and continued to shine until his departure.

Lucky Brand Jeans put on a fashion show at the Gateway where Tim commentated on the event. Afterwards, we were able to meet him and he is now on my favorite people's list! If you have ever seen the show, he is just as animated and lovely in person as he is on TV. He also called Gretchen the villain...Awesome. Jocelyn is mad at herself for not networking her new talents as an interior designer, so is now determined to meet him again! Here is a picture. Tim Gunn is awesome. Make it work!

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